Pilates is a body-conditioning method based on healthy postural alignment, efficient breathing and good movement patterns.
It improves body awareness and exercise technique, targeting the core postural and respiratory muscles to encourage a healthier working body. The focus is on moving in a controlled and coordinated way, taking the body through safe ranges of movement.
It is supported by clinical practitioners as a complement to treatment as it helps maintain stability and assist in the recovery of many conditions including:
- Back, neck and shoulder pain
- Muscle imbalance, tightness or joint instability
- Headaches
- Faulty movement patterns
- Breathing and stress related problems
for more information contact Rebecca Gould 07961460051

Sports Massage - a deeper tissue massage using a combination of different soft-tissue and muscle balancing techniques suitable for the sportsperson, or those who prefer a deeper massage. This is not generally used for relaxation!
Sports massage services include the following techniques; Soft tissue release, Myofascial release, deep tissue massage, pre & post event massage, neuromuscular techniques, stretching (MET & PNF) and mobilisation.
Kinesiology Taping
- provides support and stability to muscles and joints with no restriction to movement
- lifts the skin to promote blood and lymphatic flow
- pain relief through targeted taping
- gentle repositioning of the soft tissues to normalise the function and tension of the muscle
- enhances strength and muscle tone
- improves proprioception and sensory control
For more information please contact either:
Rebecca Gould 07961 460 051 www.rebeccagouldonline.co.uk
Caroline Telfer 07922 114 328 mbtherapy@btinternet.com

Deep Tissue Massage- This popular massage gets deep into those tight muscles to break down the fibrous tissues to improve muscle tension that cause those common aches and pains, it can be used for specific problems that have occurred through sport, everyday activities or can be enjoyed as a general massage.
Swedish Massage – This treatment has stood the test of time. The soothing pressure this treatment provides leaves you with a true sense of well-being. Essential oils are used to relax and invigorate the senses.
Indian Head Massage- This technique aims to ease tension and strain in the neck, shoulders, scalp and face. The treatment is performed upright on a chair or laying on a massage couch and the use of oil in the hair is optional. This deeply relaxing treatment leaves you feeling refreshed and revived.
Why not combine the two?
The Head to Toe Massage Experience -
This is the ultimate experience of relaxation, release all the tension, head to foot!
Pregnancy Massage- Pregnancy massage is beneficial throughout the entire nine months of the pregnancy as well as after birth. The massage is performed in a side lying position for comfort and to allow access to keys areas needing treatment. Carrying a baby changes your centre of gravity and puts a lot of stress on your back, neck, abdominal muscles, and shoulders. Treatments are tailored to the individual to gain the maximum benefit of this soothing and beneficial massage.
For more information please contact either:
Caroline Telfer 07922 114 328 mbtherapy@btinternet.com
Heather St Pierre (Currently on maternity leave until December 2024)

Acupuncture has been used for thousands of years to promote health and well-being. It has been revised and refined over time and can be used for a wide range of conditions safely and effectively.The philosophy behind Classical Acupuncture does not separate the physical, mental and emotional self. The treatment can work simultaneously at each of these levels, making it ideally suited to the stresses of modern life.
Each acupuncture treatment is uniquely tailored to suit the individual, adjusting the flow of energy to restore natural balance. It aims to locate and treat the underlying root of a problem as well as the symptoms, in order to gain long term results. Often people will remark that they find the therapy beneficial, but are surprised to find that it's also very relaxing.
People come for acupuncture treatment for a wide range of physical and emotional health issues. Some commonly treated conditions include aches and pains, injuries, allergies, anxiety, arthritis and rheumatism, digestive disorders, emotional issues, fatigue, headache and migraine, respiratory issues, sleep problems and women's health issues. Some people may come for acupuncture without a specific disorder, but because they feel generally 'out of sorts' without being able to pinpoint quite why.
Acupuncture is widely used across the world and is suitable to be used alongside conventional medicine. It was traditionally used not only during illness, but also as a preventative measure and many people still choose to have acupuncture in order to maintain good health,.
For more information please contact info@salenamyers.com

Bespoke consultations may address a variety of nutritional needs from digestive complaints, skin issues, weight concerns or on-going fatigue to a more general need for food inspiration and practical meal planning. Belle’s specialisms are with Intuitive Eating, Recovery Nutrition (for client’s recovering from an Eating Disorder) and Longevity (nutrition for those requiring support on living well into old age).
In addition to offering bespoke individual consultations, Belle runs workshops which focus on a variety of nutritional themes: recent topics include Detox, Longevity, Female Health Issues, and Fussy Kids.
Belle offers 1-1 consultations, group talks and hosts regular Cleanse courses through-out the year. The Lorisian Food Intolerance test is available at the clinic to clients wishing to explore food sensitivities. Also Belle provides a range of other functional tests which are sent to a diagnostic lab for the purpose of exploring nutritional needs in more depth. These include the Lorisian Homocysteine test useful for those concerned with high homocysteine levels being a risk factor for cardiovascular health. Additionally, the Comprehensive Stool Analysis offers investigative data for those looking to resolve IBS symptoms.
Belle blends sound nutritional knowledge with ongoing motivation and therapeutic experience. Her overall aim is to provide realistic and therapeutic health programmes which focus on the needs of the client.
Belle offers 1-1 consultations, group talks and hosts regular Cleanse courses through-out the year. The Lorisian Food Intolerance test is available at the clinic to clients wishing to explore food sensitivities. Also Belle provides a range of other functional tests which are sent to a diagnostic lab for the purpose of exploring nutritional needs in more depth. Belle blends sound nutritional knowledge with ongoing motivation. Her overall aim is to provide realistic and therapeutic health programmes which focus on the needs of the client.
For more information please contact Belle Amatt <07786 232 594/a>
Hydrotherm Massage
Hydrotherm may be one of the most relaxing and luxurious massages you’ll ever have but it wasn’t designed with relaxation in mind. The benefits of the treatments far out way those of conventional massage because of the use of warm water. The warmth and movement of the water melts muscle tension faster than conventional methods, aiding therapists to spend more time treating problems areas more effectively, meaning you get much better value from your treatment.

Hydrotherm Massage is the first 3 - dimensional Massage available on the market, the treatment is carried out on two warm water cushions, supporting clients to have perfect spinal alignment during the treatment. The treatment is carried out facing up, so no turning over, no uncomfortable face holes and no cricked necks.
Hydrotherm is perfect for every phase of life too. Expectant mums, baby massage, perfect for those who are physically active or who lead very busy lives. Also not forgetting those who are of a more mature age as Hydrotherm can be experienced in your eighties, nineties and beyond. The new Hydrotherm Tranquil Sea is suitable for those who are undergoing treatment for cancer as well.
Heather St Pierre (Currently on maternity leave until December 2024)