Why choose Western herbal medicine?

Western herbal medicine offers a safe and effective way of treating a wide range of conditions under the supervision of a qualified medical herbalist where:
The practitioner has the time to listen and treats the underlying causes of illness, not just the symptoms.
Your treatment plan is discussed with you, allowing you to take control of your own health, within a caring and supportive environment.

What happens in a consultation?
An initial consultation last for approximately one hour, where an in-depth picture is built up about your health. This covers your presenting complaint and symptoms as well as personal and family medical history, medication, diet and lifestyle.

Your blood pressure and pulse are usually taken and a physical examination may be performed if necessary, to help make a diagnosis. These findings are discussed with you and a treatment plan agreed. In certain instances, referral to your GP might be advised for further tests or specialist treatment.
An individual prescription is then formulated for you. The medicine is usually prescribed as a tincture (liquid medicine containing one or more herbs), but dried herbs, syrups, juices, tablets, capsules or topical creams may also be used. It is important to let your medical herbalist know exactly what medicines you are taking during the initial consultation, as herbal medicine will be prescribed that does not interact with your current medication.
A follow up appointment is arranged 2-4 weeks later to discuss your progress and lasts approximately 30 minutes. Further visits are usually arranged at 4-6 week intervals and adjustments may be made to your herbal prescription, to ensure it is at its most effective.
If you would like any advice on how to get yourself back to work, or would like to book an appointment with any of our practitioners, then please contact the Clinic on 01273 835116 or www.sussex-osteopath.co.uk